Wednesday, May 23, 2012

kalau kau boleh ckp....

HEY WHUTTT.AWESOME THING TONIGHT:Dinner & Etiquette for part 3 law students,the food was good.....yummzzzz.Other than that photo sessions.Tu jelah.

I missed the debate on ptptn obviously.But regardless of that,all I have to say is for those who want to have free education,not having to pay the ptptn loan,seriously.....grow the fuck up.Be real,it wont happen.Korang ni budak kecik lagi ke yg tak boleh nak jaga diri sendiri?Like hello,kalau dpt pointer bagus,benda tu boleh convert jadi biasiswa kan,so berusahalah ke arah tu.Nak mendapat,awak tu satu benda pun tak memberi balik.Cuba diri sendiri kena tanggung beban org lain,suka ke?Jangan la jadikan alasan kerajaan songlap duit,kalau tak boleh je nak kasi pendidikan percuma.Kau pegi la ceruk mana pun kat dunia ni,siapa yg nak kasi kau?Memang takkan ada la wehhhh.

Tu je nak ckp.Bye.

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