Friday, January 29, 2010

tgi friday?yeah rite -___-

Woah hari jumaat yang sangat membosankan.Nasib la assignments kebanyakannya dah siap.Just library and law to gooo.I hope I get good marks for my BEL and psycho.fuhhh~
Moving on,kesian to us pre lawrians,mak leha did not approve law fiesta therefore all the proposals went down the drain.Its like she doesnt approve anything related to fun.I mean nak suruh org mati kebosanan ke apa kat sini.Tensi do
I need to go find a baju kurung cause all my baju kurung sucks!(Hahaha as if its human).And I need to find it asap in case I go to Sabah and there's like a formal luncheon or dinner and I end up not having anything decent to wear.Can't wait for it
Bosan ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I need a car.Seriously.Envying muaz and aimi right now.
This blog lacks pictures.Hmmm.

randomly chosen :)

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